Five Mad Men – December Special Menu.

[NOTE: The food we tasted were part of the exclusive menu launched by Five Fat Men specially for December + From the Regular menu as well].
(You can click on the pictures for a larger and better view)
Located on the 1st floor of Omega Building (Salt Lake Sector 5), this amazing place serves some delicious lipsmacking food with a really cool ambience. This place can accomodate around 70 people at a time. Hospitality is exuberant with the staff members being well knowledged about what they were serving on the table.

My experience summed up in 5 Points (For those who don’t want to go through a long detailed review):

●Ambience : 4/5.

●Food : 4/5.(Rating solely based on the tried food only).

●Quantity: 3.75/5.

●Value for money: 3.65/5.

●Hospitality and Service: 4.75/5.


MUST HAVE : Pork Schnitzel, Vegetable Creole Burger, Roast Lamb (Only if you love lamb), Baked Spinach and Corn Cannelloni, Lasagne.


Coming to what I had and how my tastebuds reacted to it.

1) Pork Scnitzel @Rs.445.00, Taste Rate – 4.25/5 : First things first, the pork meat was of supreme quality! Any kind of schnitzel is made by first beating the boneless meat to flat, seasoning it and then deep frying the glorious beauty after an egg wash followed by a coating of bread crumbs. This is a crispier and magnificent version of a nugget. There are two portions of schnitzel served with a sunny side up topped with capers, crispy fried potato wedges (which were bang on, btw!), cabbage salad and two dips out of which the minty mayonnaise was brilliant and complemented the deep fried beauties really well.

2) Bhetki in Mustard Wine Sauce @Rs.575.00, Taste Rate – 3.75/5 : What sets them apart is the fact that they use calcutta bhetki and not the tasteless bland basa that most restaurants use nowadays. The fish was flaky, soft and yet well cooked. The mustard wasn’t overwhelming at all, rather there wasn’t much of a hint of mustard. But the sauce it was tossed in along with the peppers, was pretty good. The peppers retained there crunch which I truly appreciate. Full marks for using fresh ingredients.

3)Non Veg Slider Platter @Rs.595.00, Taste Rate – 3.5/5 [This was a part of the regular menu].

This platter comes with 3 sliders, Crispy potato wedges and A dip.

Coming to the sliders:

i》Pulled Chicken Burger, Taste Rate – 4/5 : I loved this one! The creamy and slightly sweetish shredded chicken filling was truly a delight to the palate. I loved the usage of mayo and fresh cream which enhanced the flavours. The freshly ground pepper delivered a nice punch to the burger as a whole.

ii》Pulled Lamb burger, Taste Rate – 3/5 : This burger was a bit dry so I wasn’t much of a fan. This would taste better with lamb being more juicy and the buns having absorbed more of the lamb jus.

iii》Pulled Pork Burger [I didn’t taste this one. So no comments. Rating of the platter is based on the above two sliders I devoured in.]

4) Vegetable Creole Burger @295.00, Taste Rate – 4.95/5 [ A part of the regular menu]: Hands down, one of the very best vegetable burgers I have had. Oh dear god! I was blown away with the tantalising flavours! The patty was obviously deep fried to perfection and was beautifully sandwiched between two handmade buns with lettuce and chef’s special sauce. One bite into the burger and the patty just explodes revealing it’s juicy interior bursting with flavours hitting the right spot. Creole is a cuisine arising from the combination of European and Carribean cuisines. The smokey flavour of the patty got me drooling so bad.Too good to be true.

5) Roast Lamb with Pepper Jus @Rs.645.00, Taste Rate – 3.85/5 : A very Christmasy dish indeed! I personally am not the biggest fan of lamb because the weird smell of cooked lamb totally puts me off but I was taken by surprise when I tasted the one from here. Again, the quality of the meat was such that there wasn’t any obnoxious aroma but rather a beautifully cooked and roasted portion of lamb meat accompanied by a side of roasted baby potatoes and salad. The pepper jus was very comforting and soothing to the soul. The roasted baby potatoes were amazing as well. All in all, a great dish.

6) Cordon Bleu with Lyonnaise Potato @Rs.395.00, Taste Rate – 2.5/5: In a simpler language, Cordon bleu is breaded and pan fried chicken breast stuffed with ham and cheese. The cordon bleu here wasnt breaded and fried so it was more like a Roulade which is a european technique of rolling the chicken with spinach, cheese and other veggies. The cordon bleu was pretty bland and needed more seasoning and ham. The layonnaise potatoes originated in France and is a dish made with potatoes sliced into discs, sauted with butter and parsley. The potatoes were nice.

7) Baked Spinach and Corn Cannelloni @Rs.425.00, Taste Rate – 4.75/5 : Making cannelonni requires special skills to not overcook the pasta sheets and turn it into a mush and the the chef here has mastered the art to cook everything perfectly. The cannellonis were elegantly stuffed with spinach and corn and then baked with cheese and heavy cream. The spinach used was fresh enough and so efficiently prepared that there was no hint of bitterness at all which is very common when spinach is overcooked.


8) Vegetable Lasagne @Rs.425.00, Taste Rate – 4.5/5 : Again, the lasagne sheets were beautifully cooked – Soft but not mushy. The creame cheese combination was spot on and it was perfectly baked.

Moving on to desserts now,

9) Strawberry and Chocolate Mousse @Rs.155.00, Taste Rate – 3.5/5 : Strawberries and Chocolates are a deadly combination. The trick is to get the right balance of flavours between the sweetness+acidic nature from the strawberries and the bitterness of the dark chocolate. The mousse was light and well whipped with a prominent flavour of strawberry but somehow the chocolate mousse didn’t blend with the strawberry counterpart – Most probably because it was mild chocolate and not the dark one. Had dark chocolate been used, this mousse would take a huge leap towards pleasing the soul and tummy altogether.

10) Baked Yoghurt @Rs.155.00, Taste Rate – 3.25/5 : The consistency was that of a baked yoghurt but it tasted more or less like Shrikhand to me. If you are a fan of baked yoghurt and shrikhand, you’ll definitely like this. dsc_0623-01

11) Blueberry Cheesecake @Rs.245.00, Taste Rate – 2.75/5 : The thing that this cheesecake lacked was cream cheese! There was absolutely no hint of cream cheese. It was more or less like a mousse cake and also, I am still very confused if it was a strawberry cheesecake or a blueberry cheesecake because I clearly felt it was the former. Not that it was bad to taste but I was very disappointed with the fact that I took a spoonful thinking it would be cheesecake but it was nothing close to one. The base was beautiful though. A good mousse cake is what I’d rather call this.

All the drinks served were alcoholic. Since I dont consume alcohol, I have no idea how the drinks tasted but they looked really pretty!

MUST HAVE : Pork Schnitzel, Vegetable Creole Burger, Roast Lamb (Only if you love lamb), Baked Spinach and Corn Cannelloni, Lasagne. [Incase you missed this part at the beginning of the review].

This place is pretty heavy on the pocket but totally worth it given to the excellent quality of the ingredients.
Recommended (Depending how deep a hole your pocket can bear)!

Stay beautiful. 🙈💓
Happy eating.❤❤

For more pictures, visit my instagram page😊


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